Tag Archives: pumpkin pie

cuss this custard

1 Oct

yves had a box of fresh ontario peaches that were slowly giving up the ghost at the back of his fridge. so, tascha came over to help create a dying fruit pie. this was also the baking adventure that produced the ‘last leg blueberry pie’. i don’t think i’ll publish the recipe, since i think it still needs to be refined. i will, however, say three things.

1. if you want to peel peaches easily– submerge them in boiling water for about 3 minutes. remove the peaches and place them in an ice water bath. as quickly as your little bourgeoisie fingers will allow– peel off that peach pelt and revel with the glory of those naked beauties.

2. this is possibly the worst custard recipe ever. the result was more similar to a pudding than any custard i have ever encountered. funnily enough, when the pie was finished, it both looked and tasted like a pumpkin pie due to colouring and spicing.

3. trying to bake pastry in this humidity is an incredibly daunting task. the air was so oppressive yesterday that i developed a southern accent. it was too laborious to enunciate every consonant, and the vowels, like the butter, melted too quickly and became unwieldy.