Rating Index


  • 5: Flawless
  • 4: Pretty good
  • 3: Alright
  • 2: Lacking
  • 1: Abysmal-– service like this would make me consider boycotting an establishment.


  • 5: Exquisite— this restaurant has taken me away from the norm and made me feel special just by entering their establishment.
  • 4: Excellent— it’s chic, it’s interesting, it’s artful, but it lack’s something that sets it apart from Toronto’s other trendy venues.
  • 3: Nice— inoffensive and with a few eye catching decorative details.
  • 2: Run of the mill
  • 1: Yuck. Did I see a dead mouse in the corner?


  • 5: Outstanding use of colour, dishware, and detail. I am eating art.
  • 4: Artfully plated, but lacks a wow factor.
  • 3: Well plated, but nothing memorable.
  • 2: Passable
  • 1: Sloppily plated


  • 5: Sensational. Fireworks in my mouth.
  • 4: Excellent
  • 3: Very good
  • 2: Palatable
  • 1: Not palatable


  • $$$$$: Time to eat Mr. Noodles for the rest of month to make rent. (65$+)
  • $$$$: Ouch, that hurt. Can’t afford to drink this week. (40$+)
  • $$$: That sure wasn’t cheap, but I’m not broke yet. (25$+)
  • $$: I’m not scrimping. (15$+)
  • $: A penny saved is a penny earned. (10$-)
  • ¢: The name of the game. (5$-)

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