The Avro Arrow Points to Queen E.

24 Nov

not an avro arrow, but close

Leslieville is a neighborhood renowned for its independent cafes and vintage furniture shops, but has yet to become a nightlife destination. Between the Blue Moon and Swirl there seems to be a dearth of middle range bars east of Broadview; it’s either Pabst Blue Ribbon or please make a reservation. Queen Street East’s new addition, the Avro, is sure to spice up the strip, offering customers quality drinks at midrange prices in a trendy setting.

Named after the delta-winged interceptor aircraft, designed and built by Avro Aircraft Limited in Malton, Ontario, The Avro pays nostalgic homage to its dated name in spades. The Avro was decorated with recycled pieces found, rehabilitated, and repurposed by owners Rachel Conduit and Bruce Dawson. The mismatched chairs, retro light fixtures, and eclectic wall hangings give the space a kitschy, yet homey atmosphere. There’s even bearded cowboy mannequin who’s always willing to offer lonely bar patrons some company.

the avro during day time

While the Avro is cheap compared to some of the established Leslieville night life, it’s not necessarily the thriftiest alcohol option available to a tight wallet on a Friday night. Their most cost savvy option is Labatt 50 for 4.50$, other bottles on offer weigh in at 5.25$, and tall cans and draft at 6.25$. But, if you take advantage of 4$ Shot Mondays or Cheap Pint Fridays (wear plaid and save 1$ on draft) you can still feel like you’re living large on a small budget. They also welcome you to bring your own food, and will even provide you with a plate if you ask nicely.

Rachel is a long-time Leslieville resident and is a familiar face to many, as she was a veteran bartender at The Comrade, a premium beer lounge a few stores down. Rachel decided to open the Avro when she noticed that Leslieville’s population was growing younger, and no one was catering to the captive market. Comrade owners Nikki Andriet and Dean Fletcher are sad to lose Rachel, but she leaves with their full blessing and support.

the avro with wall projection

From Live Music Tuesdays to Bring Your Own Vinyl Sundays the Avro is sure to attract attention and a loyal following.

PRICE $-$$
HOURS open daily from 7pm to 2am.
LOCATION, LOCATION 750B Queen Street East
NOTEWORTHY BYOVS (Bring Your Own Vinyl Sundays)

[Originally written for a Toronto Life internship application.]

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